Design Databases
in place December 26, 1998, last modified March 9, 2001
KEDB menu
- Quality Function Deployment in Korean
describes a methodology which can transfer user requirements through systemtic processes to product specifications for planning, design and manufacturing.
- Configuration
describes how to plan a product which can support customer requirements with combinations of its pre designed modules.
- Introduction to Design Information Systems
Introduction to engineering process and its supporting tools, Issues about Engineering databases 1995.10
- Advanced Database Technologies for Engineering Databases
Database Technologies for the Engineering database issues 1995.10
- Object-Oriented Databases for Engineering Applications in Korean
Representing Product Structure and Related Operations using Object-Oriented Databases 1993.2
- CAD Database in Korean
Introduction to Functionalities of the Computer Aided Design Database and Its Entity Relationship 1999.5.20 R1
- CAE/CAT Databases in Korean
manage Computer Aided Test and Computer Aided Analysis data along with CAE models and Design Target and Performance records. 1999.6.5 R1
- Constraint Maintenance in Eng. Databases
Constraint Management in Engineering Databases1996.6
- Engineering Infomation Shareing in Web Environments in Korean
describes an infomation system which enables users to access their product information in the web environment. 2000.4.21
- A Test bed for Product Information Management: KEDB PIM working...
KEDB Product Information Manager (KEDB PIM) provides a test environment of the information technologies for advanced product information management. This article shows the main functions of the KEDB PIM and an example that illustrates them. 2000.8.28
- Standards for Product Definition planned...
Knowledge & Engineering Databases (c) copyright Namchul Do, 1998-2001