Related Sites
in place July 15 , 1998, last modified August 21, 2000
KEDB menu
- VPM/PDM Products
provides links to engineering information system vendors and their products. It includes current Virtual Product Manaement, Product Development Management, and PDM from ERP systems.
- People in VPM/PDM Research Area
reviews people who are working for the engineering information management area. Remarkable researchers and technicians will be listed.
- Organization and Info Directory
lists govenment, non profit and international standard orgarnizations for product information management.
- PDM Consulting Firms
lists firms show the leading edge of PDM technology and PDM vendor market status.
- Conference, journal, magazin, and bibliographic information
lists on-line and off-line paper and article information about product data management
Knowledge & Engineering Databases (c) copyright Namchul Do, 1999-2000