KEDB planed a family of information systems that maximize the efficiency of product development using Internet technologies. It consists of the following three information systems and product development methodology:
- KEDB PIM (Product Information Management System)
KEDB PIM is a product data management system that services all necessary product data management functions throughout the product development processes. It employs the Internet as the communication and workplaces of product development. Its functionalities include product configuration and structure management, engineering document management, engineering change execution and design procedure controls.
- KEDB PDC (Product Development Center)
KEDB PDC provides a community that enables designers collaborate for efficient product development. The collaboration is based on the KEDB View mechanism that consists of the structure mapping and filtering of product structure. Basically KEDB PDC supports participants who have roles of administrator, designer, part planner and subscriber.
- KEDB KMS (Knowledge Management System)
KEDB KMS extracts knowledge from product development systematically in order to build enterprise asset for future product development. It consists of two functions: One is the management of knowledge of product development with a knowledge map that is tightly integrated to product structure and its changes. The other is the analysis of engineering change data to extract high level product development knowledge for product development management through advanced on line analytical process(OLAP).
- KEDB IDM (Information systems Development Methodology)
KEDB IDM is a systematic system analysis and design methodology that is suitable for developing in-house engineering applications. It consists of simple document formats that can be edited and filled by novice users to complete the system analysis and design of a proposed information system including its reports.