|Abstract |Introduction |Goals of Research |Object-Oriented Database |System Implementation |Conclusion |References|
Object-oriented Database for Engineering Application
since 15 December, 1996, last modified 15 December, 1996
By Nam-Chul Do
The term database can be defined as data content or computer locations which data resides. In engineering application for improving product design and manufacturing, data collection and accessibility are critical. Throughout a product life cycle, Information must be collected and structured in the database in order to form a complete and accurate model of the product.
Information to be represented in a database for engineering application is usually too complex to be stored in simple data structure like records of relational database. The design environment causes other problems such as version control and long transaction in engineering database. Several studies have been conducted to provided the solution of the problems. However, the lack of rich data model constructs, new data types, and multiple versions of information in traditional database system has prevented engineering database from providing desired data management for production system.
In this paper, we describe an object-oriented database system which can properly support the data management requirements of engineering application. The features provided include an information model for engineering domain, key application programs for engineering activity, and working environment of engineering- based design.
Korean Engineering Databases ¨Ï copyright Namchul Do, 1998