Information System Development
since July 15, 1998, last modified April 24, 2000
KEDB menu
- System Analysis
Initiated by the project kick off, the user requirement, current status of information systems and existing probems are reviewed and analized. The tool for the activities are the interviews, review of the related documents and analysis of the business and decision making processes.
Ēš Ananalysis Book- System Design
Based on the result of system analysis, find solutions for the problmes and suggest the information sub system that can resolve them. The suggestion should include several cadidate solutions and its cost anlaysis.
Ēš Design Book in Korean
Ēš Migration Plan in Korean- System Implementation
The selected candidate is implemented in the stage. The project management activity is improtant and the training and documentation for the developed system should be prepared for the system maintenablity.
Ēš User Manual, Tutorial, Maintanance Documents in Korean
Ēš Training Program- Reference Documents in KEDB KMS(Knowledge Management System)
Ēšreview 19970821: Analysis & Design of Information Systems in Korean
Knowledge & Engineering Databases (c) copyright Namchul Do, 1998-2000