Web Links: Organization and Information Directory
since November 4, 1999, last modified November 4, 1999
International Societies
- IFIP: International Federation for Information Processing
- The IFIP Technical Committe on Computer Applications on Technology (TC5) - COVE: COperation infrastructure for Virtual Enterprises and electronic business
- Korea STEP Community
- The SC4 On-Line Information Service (SOLIS)
1993 founded, a solution provider in the area of product data technology in Europ.
- PDMI2 Product Data Management Based on International Standards (ISO10303 AP214, AP212)
Solutions for the Compatible Management of Geometric and Administrative Product Data at Car Manufacturers and Suppliers
Acardemic Community
- CADZONE: A Korean CAD/CAM/PDM community
- Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
- Society of CAD/CAM Engineers
Product structure representation
Configuration management
- AdCoMS: Advanced Configuration Management System
AdCoMS - An European research project supported by the AIT consortium The aim of the project is to l define, develop and implement a Generic Process Model and Pilot Demonstrator for managing and controlling product data shared across the extended enterprise which are sufficiently flexible to respond to the ever changing needs of the business.
Engineering changes
Knowledge & Engineering Databases ¨Ï copyright Namchul Do, 1999-2001