PDM Class #06: PDM Main Functions (2) : Product Structure for Options
in place October 5, 2000, lasted modified October 13, 2000
Product with options
- Current market pressure force manufactures to open large number of choices for their product.
- The "product with options" can meet the requirments.
- Option needs the module design that can be used as a component of the product without any modification. Modification brings following procedures and processes: re-test, re-cost evaluation, or re-certification ...
- Sales, Production, and Customer support take the advange of the module.
Interface Eng./Mfg./CS Information Systems with Option Code
- 'Option Code' is the unique identifier of the options.
- It can be used as a medium for interfacing Marketing/Eng./Mfg./CS Information Systems (or any data exchange such as docmuents); It is a unique code or grouping system that can be recognized by all the people in the company and even suppliers and customers.
- Designers are grouped for the sepecific module that corresponds to an option or a set of options.; Generally desingers needs more detail classification than the Mfg. or CS departments, so they use their own categories such as functional system group.
- Manufacturing plan and order the production with the unit of the option.
- Selecting options provided by sales person, customers complete a configuration for his/her order.
How to Design Options
- A detailed discussion of the design issues of options(= configuration modeling) is beyond the scope of this class, but in the future necessary.
- Introduction - Purpose and definition
- Definition of configuration - Definition and processes for the configuration
- Types of configuration - Types and procedure for the configuration
- Configuration in STEP - ISO STEP parts(documents) fro configuration
Participating departments:
- Marketing, Design, Manufacturing, Customer Support
- Build a table that list all the options of the ball point pen for the participating departments.
Variant and Effectivity
- Variant is an element of the product structure representation that can change its sub structure according to a specific condition.
- The 'configurable part' is the part that is a variant and in working condition.
- Effectivity has two kinds of meanning: One is the condition of the variant.
- The other is when the structure effective for production with unit of the option.
- The types of effectivity is as the following:
Type Description Remark Option Effectivity Model Name or Option Code Option+range is possible. Range Effectivity Range of Serial Number Option+range is possible. Date Effectivity Production Date - Lot Effectivity Lot Number - - The engineering changes could cause the new product structure within a variant with new effectivity.
A Product Structure with Options
- It consists of the model, the option, and the part entities, which are related to each other with specific consistent relationship.
- The engineering change in the next class will employ it as their product structure and support its functionalities for the EC management.
- The model entity in the product structure represents end-products which contain modules for the possible configurations.
- The part entity and its constituent relationship with other parts represent the product structure of conventional mechanical assemblies. The constituent relationship could have quantity per data between the assemblies and their components.
- Between the model and the part entities, the option entity represents a set of assemblies that provide a module for product configurations.
- The option entity is designed as a variant that can specify different product structure according to the given effectivity.
- option can change its sub assemblies according to the specific serial number of products (see type of effectivity - the range effectivity).
- option can change its sub assemblies according to the specific serial number of products.
- The following figure dipicts the entity relationship diagram for the product structure.
Fig. ERD of The Product StructureParticipating departments:
- Marketing, Design, Manufacturing, Customer Support
- Build a product structure(EBOM, MBOM, CSBOM) with options for the ball point pen.
Knowledge & Engineering Databases (c) copyright Namchul Do, 2000