Product Configuration Frame work - A survey
Sabin, D. and Weigel, R., IEEE Intelligent Systems, July/August 1998.
ref archive vol 1. volvo_pdm\library\configuration\sabin01.pdf
since May 28, 2000, last modified May 28, 2000, working,
- Differenciate products by focusing on individual customer needs.
- Moving from mass production to mass customization
- The impact of mass customization on organization: product realization and order realization process
- product realization: shift from designing individual product to designing families of products and needs an generic architecture with standard interfaces for various customer requirements
- order realization: given cutomer requirements and product family description, to find vaild product structure among the alternatives generic architecture describes.
- The side effect: could increase errors in configuration that lead to costly iterations in pahses father down stream.
What is Configuration?
- Configuration is a design activity with two key features:
- The product being configured is assembled from instances of a fixed set of well defined component types
- Components interact with each other in predefined ways- Core process: "Selecting and arranging combinations of parts that satisfy given specifications"
- Constraints during the process:
- No new components are created
- Can not modify interfaces of existing component types- Specifal characteristic of configuration: well structure and completly specified
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