Quotation from Technical Papers
in place October 8, 2000, last modified October 8, 2000
1.1 Purpose
- We have proposed a complete technology that extend...
- In this paper, we describe out methodology and experience with the extention of an ...
- Without a complete methodology, the development of a ...
- Our approach has three major aspects that reflect the problem we are solving.
- Our methodology and experience with the extension are presented.
- In this paper, we focus on the research of ...
1.2 Contributions
- Our contribution lies in a complete system that have the ...
- Its advantages include, among others ...
1.3 Paper organization
1.3.1 Whole paper
- This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a brief description of rleated work. Section 3 describes key issues and an extensible object model. The interface system is introduced in Section 4, A brief overview of the system is presented in Section 5. In section 6, we detail our methodology in extending the architectural design and implementation of the resulting system are presented. Section 7 discusses our experience in Project. In section 8, we conclude the paper with a look into the future of the ...
- The remainder of the text is structured as follows: ...
1.3.2 Each Section
- In the following sections, we will substantially elaborate that meta schema:
- Section 2.4 covers the modeling of database, ...
- ..., as shown below.
- Our conclusion are presented in Section 7.
2.1 Introduction of Related Works
- Rules have been built into the POSTGRESS third generation ...
- HiPac proposes the concept of ECA rules.
- OZ++ supports self-triggering rules which ...
- Triggers have also been proposed for the Iris object systems.
- System R provided triggers as a mechanism for enforcing ...
- We believe that the facilities provided in POSTGRESS are ...
- In an object context, rules have been proposed in OOPS.
- Each of these has received considerable attention in the literature.
2.2 Comparisons with Other Researches
- In contrast, observe that Ode allows triggers to be associated ...
- A major difficulty with production systems is that ...
- These rules, unlike our rules are ...
- Production system, such as OPS5, use production rules ...
- In relational DB, a distinction is sometimes made between a trigger associated with an attribute and a trigger associated with tuple.
- The difference between these systems and our is that ...
2.3 Trend
- Simple triggers are now appearing in commercial systems.
- The issue of triggers in RDB has been investigated by several researchers.
- More investigation and experience with trigger implementations is needed in the context of object-oriented database.
- Nested transactions have been investigated quite thoroughly.
3.1 Introduction to The Topic
- We also would like to point out that ...
- A detailed discussion of the implementation issues of building a view system are beyond the scope of this paper.
- ... play an important part in interfacing
- In O++, persistence is orthogonal to type; that is, it is possible to allocate ...
- The description of a triggered action should include the action it executes, i.e. a name of the method to be executed, and the object ...
- Activeness of OODBMSs means that they automatically execute ...
- Together these features means that EXPRESS can define ...
- The simple approach of evaluating all the integrity constraints as querys can suffer from unacceptable inefficiencies, ...
3.2 Reference to Figures, Tables, and other Sections
- This example is borrowed from [4] and simplified.
- Data types of EXPRESS can be summarized as follows.
- The architecture is depicted in Figure 1.
- a function is defined to retrieve requested attributes, which is in the form of entity(select, where) where the meaning of arguments are the same as in SQL.
- Users can access the data using this function or a higher level interface such as query(select,where), which calls appropriate entityname_query() in tern.
- We describe a method as a tuple:
type = [m-name, m-code]- For situation in which a large minicomputer or main framecomputer is available, this is a good way to develop X applications.
- In the following we ...
- As stated previously, method ...
- As mentioned above, ...
- We shall use the following as a running example.
- See the next subscection.
- In attempting to understand the consequence of the object-oriented data model on the database systems architecture, however, we have discovered that the model of authorization developed for relational databases requires some fairly significant or interesting extensions.
- There are two fundamental reasons for the extensions.
- One is the shortcomings in existing models of authorization.
- ... operations are organized in transactions: collection of operations that are considered as ...
- We consider these issues in the context of object-oriented paradigm.
- Issues relevant to performance are not included.
3.3 with Adverb
- A method of an object is invoked by a message sent to the object, possibly with parameters.
- In particular, on can view the ...
- Further, the inheritance ...
- The mechanism, if it exists, applies also to triggers.
- Inheritance applies to this tuple in the sense that this name is associated with this code also in ...
3.4 Using : and ;
- Many proposals do not support explicit specification of triggered operation scheduling; it is determined by a fixed algorithm embedded in the system.
4.1 Summary
- Currently we also try to implement the possiblity to choose from various algorithm for ...
- The model we have presented in this paper is a logical model that provides a clear semantics for the active behavior of an object-oriented database.
- The current state of the art makes it difficult to talk about real-time database systems in a strict sense. Therefore, the HIPAC project attempts to find solutions in two critical areas.
4.2 Further Direction
- We have left many issues open. These include: the development of appropriate sub languages for specification of events; development of concurrency control. These are left for future research.
- We conclude with two observations. First, ..., Second, ...
Knowledge & Engineering Databases (c) copyright Namchul Do, 2000