PDM Class #10

Job #13 Dealer Stock Recommendation - PDM Class #10: Grand Demo of PDM Main Functions
in place December 6, 2000, lasted modified December 6, 2000

Dealer Stock Recommendation is a forecasting for the dealer stock of spare parts for the new product. Before the lunch of new product, dealers distributed over the world should prepare spare parts for the AS parts including those for the initial quality problems of the product. CS should recommend the proper parts and their amount for each dealer.

We have two dealers in New York and Moscow and a central deposit in Seoul. As you know the Moscow needs products that can endure the low temperature.

No Part No Version QTY Description Ç°¸í
1P.154100--- 531 Body ¸öü
2P.154411--- 1052 Cab (Black) ĸ (Èæ»ö)
2P.154412--- 751 Cab (Red) ĸ (Àû»ö)
3P.154511--- 51- Knob (Black) ³ëºê (Èæ»ö)
2P.154512--- 331 Knob (Red) ³ëºê (Àû»ö)
1P.154300--- 51- Spring ½ºÇÁ¸µ
2P.154250--- 34- Cartridge Ä«Æ®¸®Áö (Èæ»ö.ÀϹÝ)
2P.154260--- 3-3 Cartridge Ä«Æ®¸®Áö (Èæ»ö.±ØÁö)
2P.154270--- 34- Cartridge Ä«Æ®¸®Áö (Àû»ö.ÀϹÝ)
2P.154280--- 2-3 Cartridge Ä«Æ®¸®Áö (Àû»ö.±ØÁö)

1SeoulCentral Deposit
2New YorkNormal Temperature
3MoscowCold Temperature

PDM Class #10

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