Componets and Issues in Representing Product Structure
in place April 23, 2001, last modified April 23, 2000, working
To describe the componets and issues in representing product structure, we provide the following figure. The figure shows 4 components of product strucuture: configuration management, assembly structure, multi representation and engineering changes. The issues occure at the boder of each components. For example, the part planning issue is rised when the assembly structure is trasfered to the special purpose product structure representation such as part catalog strucutre. The remainder of this article describes the components and issues with detailed explanations and examples.
Components of Product Structure
- Configuration Managment
- Assembly Structure
- Multi Representation
- Engineering Changes
Issues in the Product Structure Representation
- Effectivity and Modules for Configurations
- Standardization of Configuration Code
- Engineering Change History
- Part Planning (or Part Filtering)
- Syncronization of ECs between Representations
Knowledge & Engineering Databases (c) copyright Namchul Do, 2001