CATIA Network Computing Solution CATWeb 2.0
- CATWeb Navigator 2.0
- CATWeb Publish 2.0
- CATWeb Space 2.0
I. Features
- Light client (Web technology)
- 3D Data - STL, VRML
- Network computing technology - Application, Applet
1. CATWeb Navigator
- 1) Remote viewing
viewing 2/3D and text info ( ex, BOM using CATIA Rporter ), Hyper links, measure distance- 2) Dynamic cliping
- 3) Local model manipulation
download spcial light 3D model (rotate, zoom, explode - JAVA application)2. CATWeb Space
- 3D Interference detection
detact clashes, contact or clearance extending mesurement of the Navigator3. CATWeb Publish
- Automated web publish
using a customizable layout (applet, CGI-BIN, comment fileds)II. Benefits
- Better group communication
- Increased design quality
- Shortened communication process
- Easier data access
- Reduced administration costs
III. Environment
1. H/W and License
- Sever : IBM AIX, HP-UX, SGI, SUN with CATIA Object Manager product
(needs a HTTP server)- Client : Any Web Browser supporting JAVA
* Only Windows NT client for Local 3D Viewer of Nevigator2. Network
TCP/IP, HTTP Protocol
3. Etc
- No mention about interface to VPM
- Is there any customization tool (eq. JAVA classes)
- Both the space and publish need CATWeb navigator
- Each CATWeb Navigator supports up to 10 concurrent client uses