Engineering Databases
last modified 1996. 5. 10 µµ ³²Ã¶
Engineering Database
- Advanced databases and
its application to engineering domains-
1995. 10
Nam-Chul Do
Part I : Advanced Databases for Engineering Applications
1. Introduction
1.1 Conventional product engineering
1.2 Design tools
1.3 Issues in engineering databases
2. Database technologies for engineering applications
2.1 Object-oriented database
2.2 Active database
2.3 Constraint management in database
Part II : Review on Engineering Database Applications
3. Modeling for complex design objects
3.1 Taxonomy for a part data
3.2 Object-oriented class schema for assembly product
3.3 Object-oriented class schema for CSG modeling
4. Verification and maintenance of the engineering constraint
4.1 Characteristics of engineering constraints
4.2 Engineering constraint and conflict resolution
4.3 Virtual class for constraint definition and management
5. Long duration transaction
5.1 Nested transaction
5.2 Session and hypothetical transaction
6. Versioning design objects
6.1 Conventional version control
6.2 Version control using prototypical objects
7. Engineering information system
7.1 GLIDE (Graphical Language for Interactive DEsign)
7.2 ROSE
7.3 SDM (Shared Design Manager)
8. Product data exchange standard
8.1 PDES/STEP history
8.2 PDES/STEP overview
8.3 EXPRESS formal specification language
1. Introduction
Conventional product engineering and design tools are reviewed.
The current issues on engineering database are also discussed in this section
Conventional product engineering
- determination of product specifications
- conceptual design
- engineering design and analysis
- detailed design and blueprint review
- manufacturing process planning
- quality assurance planning, MRP, and production planning
- production/quality assurance
- assembling the products
- packing and shipping
Design Tools
- mathematical calculation/formulas
- hand sketches
- CAD system, finite element analysis (FEA), visualization/simulation
- heuristic, reasoning from an individual's of company's knowledge
- decision/selection method
- tables or catalogues ( engineering handbooks )
- technical charts/graphs
- previous designs ( designer notebooks )
- engineering analysis programs-maybe linked to a CAD package
- codes and standards
- test data/performance records
Why Engineering Database [Eastman 1980]
- Reduce costs of preparing data for application programs
- Reduce cost of producing the final specifications
- Improved consistency management with machine readable model
- Provides opportunities for further automation
Current Limitations of database systems [Eastman
- Their Static Structure
- Distinguish and separate the data definition language (DDL) from the
data manipulation language (DML)
- Alternation of the schema forces re-compilation of the database and
its application programs
- Test design alternatives -> need schema change
the first - developing union of all probable design technology
the 2nd - merging the DDL with the DML incremental compilation with runtime
extension runtime linking of applications
- Limited speed of access mechanism
surface-> solid - wide bandwidth needed
- Lack of tools to aid integrity management
provide very limited facilities for managing integrity in large data structures.
The design is due to the rich set of relations and constrains that any
artifact embodies
These range from physical laws, laws of gravity, Hooks law, Ohms law, Kinematics,
to engineering good practices, *The simpler the better*.
If these criteria are not satisfied them the information describing the
design is logically of functionally inconsistent - > In database
terminology, lacks of integrity
Some means to centralize or modularize the responsibility of integrity
management is called for
CODASYL and ANSI standard include procedural attributes
- Lack of support for multiple alternatives
The nature of design is that it is tentative and iterative
Issues in engineering databases
- data modeling for complex design objects: complex objects, method modeling,
or schema design
- verification and maintenance of design constraint: active database
and other intelligent database
- versions for iterative design process : virtual class as a tool for
- extended transaction processing for long duration of design process:
extended transaction models such as nested transaction
- integration of design data for heterogeneous nature of the design data:
multi-database and product data standards
2. Database Technologies
for Engineering Applications
In this section, we review database technologies that support
facilities for engineering applications.
These databases include object-oriented databases, active databases, and
heterogeneous databases.
Basic Concepts of Object-Oriented Database
- object - all conceptual entities
- attribute - some private memory that hold object's state
- method - procedures encapsulate the behavior of objects
- message - a medium through which an object can communicate with one
- class - a set of similar objects; all the objects described by the
same set of attributes and methods
- inheritance -
- domain - the domain of attributes can be other classes
Schema Evolution in Object-oriented Database
- Schema - the class definitions and the inheritance structure of the
class lattice
- Conventional databases (e.g. SQL/DS) provide dynamic creation and deletion
of relation and addition of new columns in a relation without requiring
system shutdown
- Program language oriented databases have deficiencies for schema change
- Taxonomy of schema change and invariant
Taxonomy of schema change and invariant
- Changes to the contents of a node
Changes to an attribute
Changes to a method
Changes to an edge
Changes to a node
- Invariance
Class lattice invariant
Distinct name invariant
Domain compatibility invariant
Transaction Management in Object-oriented Database
- Serializable transaction
- Session - a sequence of transactions
- Long duration transactions as a set of transactions, rather than a
sequence of transactions
- Any active transaction of a session will compete for resource with
those of all other session
- Normal and Hypothetical transaction - a transaction which always aborts.
- Experimenting with the effects of 'what-if' changes to the database
Event-Condition-Action Rule[Urban1994]
- The event specifies an operation or situation to be monitored
- When event occurs, the condition is then evaluated
- If the condition is true, the action is triggered automatically by
database systems
- Alter, Trigger, Integrity Maintenance Rule (IMR)
- Alter - no action only send message to the user
- Trigger - causes a specific database or application action
- IMR - specifically developed to maintain constraints
An Active Database Model[Beeri1993]
- In active databases operations can act as triggers that cause the execution
of other operations.
- Its advantages include, among others, code reuse, and centralization
of code storage and management.
- model of nested transactions in which transactions can have sub transactions,
thus allowing for a hierarchical organization of processing.
- Object-oriented database supports the representation of data processing
in the form of code.
- Active Database, OODB, nested transactions
What an active database model needs
- How are triggers specified;
- When are triggers enabled and executed;
- How is the environment of trigger execution specified and implemented;
- How do we specify and concurrently enabled triggers.
The Database Model
- Object, Methods, Classes and Encapsulation
- Encapsulation : An object encapsulates both data(its state) and behavior(its
methods) and can only be manipulated using the(external) methods associated
with it.
- Postulate that the methods are the triggering events.
- The triggered operations are methods.
- OODB's allow redefinition(overriding) of methods in subclass, even
redefining methods for individual objects in a class.
- In the nested transaction model a transaction may execute both operations
and sub transactions.
Methods and Triggered Actions
- TYPE method = [ m-name, m-code]
- extension for triggers
- TYPE method = [m-name, m-code, {triggered-action}]
- triggered-action is name of an action.
- An Example
- Database stores information about customers account and calculate total
balance of a customer's account.
Triggered Actions Scheduling
- When should the trigger be executed?
- In HIPAC ; immediate, deferred, and decuple execution
- execution interval: in which triggered action should be executed
- example: update-account before get-balance
- TYPE execution-interval = [start-event, end-event]
- Two observations; execution in appropriate time, possibility of defining
- transaction management sub language: used in triggered action definition
for specifying what should be done in the various failure case
- Triggering Method Failure
- Either case; roll back of triggered action, execution as planned (log
system example)
- HIPAC's decoupling mechanism
- Independent from top transaction (ignore, abort)
- Failure in execution interval specification
Triggered Action Failure
- example of recalculation of balance
- If recomputation(triggered-action) is fail,
1) roll back the balance update that triggered it
2) retry to execute and block retrievals of the total balance
- " Try to run the action at lease 5 times and if they all fail
try to run t instead. If t also fails, abort the transaction"
The Triggered Action Description
- should include action and target object
- TYPE triggered-action-description =
act-to-perform(location, parameters),
triggered-action-fail, trigger-fail]
- triggered-action :- name of the trigger
- act-to-perform :- name of the action to be taken
- scheduling-information :- priority and etc.
Active Objects
- structure used for storing information about triggered actions until
- for each action waiting for execution
- TYPE active-action =
- location describes the object where the triggering method executed
Methods for Handling The Active Part
- inserting, retrieving and executing, and deleting active-actions
- use for every triggered-action
An Execution Model
- So far what information and how it is recorded
- method processor
- General Execution Plan
- set of actions
T1 : do not use any of parameter off M or do
T2 : Scheduled after m terminates
Sub Transactions
- When m is invoked method processor contains 5 sub-transactions
1) insert-start-m : inserts records of T1 into the active part of
the object
2) execute-start-m : execute actions before m
3) executes the method m
4) insert-end-m
the values of output parameters of m are well defined
5) execute-end-m
Notifications and Subtransactions
- notification about success or failure
- determines the course of action
- actions triggered by other methods can be sub transaction
- they are almost identical( execute-start-m)
- maintenance - examine execution intervals, mark start event happened,
- choose - a set of actions is chosen for execution
- execute - parallel or serial execution execute-start-m, triggered-action-fail
The general Multi Object Model
- Concurrence Control, Failures, and Recovery
- if an action is fail the execution m may delay
- key word 'independent'
- concurrence is applied to active part of object
- The general Multi Object Model
- The triggering method and triggered actions may operate on different
- Event mentioned in the execution interval may occur in other object
- Where the triggered actions be stored?
- How the process in a object know about event occurs in other object
Notification and Time Events
- The Notification Mechanism
- decompose the triggered action into a notification action
- send-notification, receive -notification
- receive-notification is a method and is executed by the method processor
- Time Events
- active object ,timer
- triggered action contains a time event
- the time event contains a triggered action to send notification when
the time arrives.
Constraint Management in Database[Urban1992]
- The database research community unanimously aggress that rules will
become a major feature in future database systems
- deductive rules, production rules, integrity constraints
- deductive rules -> derived class (view)
- production rules -> trigger (premise, action)
- integrity constraint -> restrict the set of valid state of the
- the declarative representation of integrity constraints in an OODB
and the use of active database rules for the maintenance of constraints
Integrity Maintenance Production Rule: Constraint
- an approach to the declarative representation and analysis of schema
1) the constraints associated with semantic schema:
sub class relationship, inverse properties, required properties, one to
one relationships, and disjoint constraints
2) explicit constraints in a logic-based constraint language
-> IMPR (with triggers)
- CONTEXT : a tool for the explanation of constraints
Ship Schema Example(1)
- Required Property Constraint:
- ship(S) -> country-of-registry(S,fc(S))
- Unique Property Constraints:
EVENT: insert ship(S)
COND: not country-of-registry(S,fc(S))
ACTION: select o1 from country
modify country-of-registery(S,o1)
Example (2)
- Explicit Constraints
- All S in ship IMPLIES(S.conutry-of-registry=S.commander.officer-assigned.citizen-of);
EVENT: modify country-of-registry(S,C)
COND: not (commander(S,ff(S,C))and
ACTION: select o1 from officer where citizen-of(o1,C)
insert o2 in assignment
modify commander(S,o2)
modify officer-assigned(o2,o1)
Example (3)
- Level 1- Inverse Property Constraint
EVENT: delete ships-registered-here(C,S)
COND: if country-of-registry(S,C)
ACTION: delete conutry-of-registry(S,C)
- Lebel2- Constriant ec0
EVENT: delete country-of-registry(S,C)
COND: if commander(S,A) and officer-assigned(A,O)
and citizen-of(O,C)
ACTION: delete citizen-of(O,C)
- level3 - Inverse Constraint
EVENT : insert country-of-registry(S,C)
ACTION : insert ships-registered-here(C,S)
3. Modeling for Complex Objects
Models for complex design objects are presented along with a
taxonomy of the informatio n on the objects. Various expression tools
such as class inheritance and composition hierarchy, aggregation type,
met hods, and encapsulation are also presented.
Taxonomy of part informationl
A engineering database conside ring CAD, FEM, NC, Production
Plan System machine parts
fixed characteristics
variable characteristics
organizational data
security control data
Taxonomy of part information
fixed characteristics: classification - class of part
mode - assembly or a single part designation - addressing the machine part
id number date material
variable characteristics: measurement
organizational data: organizational hierarchy
Object- oriented class schema
for assembly product
describe complex product relationship with:
· class inheritance
· class composition
· aggregation types
· method
· encapsulation
6. Versioning design objects
Types of Versions
[Kim90] ·
Transient version
- can be updated by the user
who create it
- can be deleted
- derive new transient version,
Working version
- stable, cannot be updated
- can be deleted by its owner
- explicit and implicit promption
Binding object with other objects·
- reference to an object includes
the full name of the object, the object ident ifier and the version number
· Dynamic
- object identifier
- useful as transient or working
versions that are referenced may be deleted, n ew version created
generic version attri butes
- default version number
- next version number
- version count
- version descriptions
· control informaiton
- the version number of the version
- the identifier of the version
- a list of references to the
descriptors of child versions
- version number, version type,
generic object id
Concepts f or Version Management [Ahmed89]
· Distinct snapshots of a
design object in different states and share some identifiab le common characteristics
· When two instances of
the same type are different objects and when they are merely different
versions of the same object
· intrinsic and non intrinsic
attributes Version of an object
· Different versions of a design object share
the same interface but may have different intern al assemblies
· Interface defines the
functionality of the object and is visible to the external world
· Changes in the internal
assembly (type and instance level) of object are not visible to the external
world and may thus warrant creation of only a different version
Generic, Versioned and Unversioned Objects
l Three types are mutually exclusive
l Invariant properties are invariant
over the version set
l Generic object is characterized
by its invariant external features
l There is only one generic object
for each version set
l All versions have identical
interface attributes Version Graph
· A version graph captures the evolution history
of version objects
· Disconnected, directed,
cyclic graph
· The edges represent
the successor/predecessor relationship
Versioning at the Type and Instance Levels
· Versioning should be
allowed both at the type and instance levels
· Versioning at the instance
level implies that different versions of the same object differ only in
the values of some of their properties
· Versioning at the type
level means that different versions of an object can have different assigned
types Classification of Version Attributes
· Invariant, version-significant and non version-significant
· Version-significant
attribute - modifications in these attributes create a new version (mutation)
· Non version-significant
attribute - always be modified without causing a ny mutation
· invariant - can not
be modified at the version level, value acquired fro m the generic object
Version State
l Non atomic update
l Validated
- No modification
- All the constituent references
in a validated version are either unversioned or validated version
- New versions enable Version
State (Stable, Transient)l Stable
- Version significant attribute
can not be modified
- Non version significant attribute
can be modified
- New version enable
l Transient
- All new created and derived
version begins in the transient state
- All noninvariant attributes
can be modified
- New version disable Version
l Promote - from transient or stable to stable or
l Create - from generic to transient
(version no, no content)
l Derive - from stable or validate
to transient (version no, copy contents)
l Convert - from unversioned
to transient (add generic type) Version Operations
Prevention of Version Proliferation
l Uncontrolled propagation
of updates can proliferate to the top of composite object
l Version equivalence and interchangeablity
l Different versions of a constituent
object without having to create a new ver sion of its composite object
4. Verification and Maintenance
of Engineering Constraint
of engineering constraints
Large number of complex rules
Several levels of local and global rules
Checking and/or enforcing rules at arbitrary points in
time, often under external control
Arbitrary reactions in case of rule violation
Declarative and algorithmically rule definition
Integration of existing programs and action plans
Dynamic definition of rules Constraint Management using
the HVC
- Control Architecture
Engineering Information Systems
Graphical Language for Interactive DEsign
· C-MU, 1980, Building
Description System embedded in a general programmin g language
· allowing schema extension,
integrity management, exploration of design a lternatives
· project database module,
System Invoked Routines (SIR), Checkpoint files
· Handwick, CAD database
· translates constraints
specified in EXPRESS into two types of methods in an application.
· The first is database
methods that are always associated with objects,
· the second is application
methods that exist as database applications. Iterative Constraint Administrator
- Iterative Constraint Administrator·
Management of engineering constraint
Based on active object oriented database
Support the backward propagation
Constraint management with database-supported resources
Support integration of various database applications without additional
facilities for constraint checking Conclusion
Problems of database application for engineering domain
- complex design ob jects, constraint management, version
control, long duration transaction, integration of applications
Try to provide resolution paradigms, techniques, systems, and ideas for
the p roblems
Uncovered topics - multi database, warehouse(meta data), and C/S in engineeri
ng applications
Integrated system architecture - c.f. SDM [Urban94]
7. Introduction to PDES/STEP
EXPRESS Language
EXPRESS is a formal information modeling language used
to specify the information re quirements of STEP
EXPRESS is specified in the ISO 10303-11 standard
Both humans and computers can interpret the language,
although it is not a pr ogramming language.
Though it has been specifically developed for the specification
of both integ rated resources and application protocols of STEP standards
It may be used as a general modeling method in its own
right Constructors for Integrity Constraints
EXPRESS has three kinds of constructors for integrity
co nstraints, called rules
EXPRESS rules can be classified into two categories according
to the scope of each rule.
The first category, Local rule, concerns constraints within
an entity . Thes e kinds of rules include Unique rule and Domain rule.
The second category, Global rule, defines constraints
over several entities., Rule is a Global constructor in EXPRESS. Unique
rulel The Unique rule in EXPRES
S which follows the UNIQUE keyword is similar to the unique statement of
It can specify either a single attribute or a list of
two or more attributes to be associated with a unique instance of the entity
ENTITY torus;
Domain rulel The
Domain rule that follows the WHERE keyword de fines another kind of the
Local rule.
It can be applied to instances of only one entity type.
The Domain rule restricts the value of attributes within
constraints defined by a logical expression that follows the
WHERE keyword
ENTITY torus;
Rulel It permits
the definition of constraints which apply to the a ttribute values of the
different entity types.
It is similar to a database application procedure.
The Rule can also contain a where clause which constrains
attribute values of the entities.
Rule Example
RULE max_radi FOR (torus)
LOCAL; a_torus : torus; END_LOCAL;
a_torus = QUERY(temp<*torus | temp.ID = *torus #1*);
WHERE a_torus.OUT_RADI < 100;