CATIA Network Computing Solution CATWeb 2.0

  1. CATWeb Navigator 2.0
  2. CATWeb Publish 2.0
  3. CATWeb Space 2.0

I. Features

1. CATWeb Navigator

2. CATWeb Space

- 3D Interference detection
detact clashes, contact or clearance extending mesurement of the Navigator

3. CATWeb Publish

- Automated web publish
using a customizable layout (applet, CGI-BIN, comment fileds)

II. Benefits

  1. Better group communication
  2. Increased design quality
  3. Shortened communication process
  4. Easier data access
  5. Reduced administration costs

III. Environment

CATWeb architecture

1. H/W and License

2. Network

TCP/IP, HTTP Protocol

3. Etc

  1. No mention about interface to VPM
  2. Is there any customization tool (eq. JAVA classes)
  3. Both the space and publish need CATWeb navigator
  4. Each CATWeb Navigator supports up to 10 concurrent client uses